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item_group_id Medicines

Tufnil 200mg Tablet - টাফনিল ২০০ মি.গ্রা. ট্যাবলেট

SKU: SKU-006

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Call Now: 01848383410
হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ অর্ডার
দয়াকরে ১০০% কনফার্ম না হয়ে অর্ডার করবেন না, অর্ডার করে আপনি যদি পার্সেলটি না নেন, তাহলে আমাদের অনেক টাকা লস হয়, দয়াকরে কেউ আমাদের ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ করবেন না। আমাদের ক্ষতি করলে তার দাবি আমরা ছাড়বো না।

Product Description


Tolfenamic acid is used specifically for relieving the pain of migraine headaches and also recommended for use as an analgesic in post-operative pain, and fever.

Therapeutic Class

Drugs used for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), Other drugs for migraine


Tolfenamic acid inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, and it also presents inhibitory actions on the prostaglandin receptors. As commonly thought, the mechanism of action of tolfenamic acid is based on the major mechanism of NSAIDs which consists of the inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 pathways to inhibit prostaglandin secretion and action and thus, to exert its anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking action. Nonetheless, some report currently indicates that tolfenamic acid inhibits leukotriene B4 chemotaxis of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes leading to an inhibition of even 25% of the chemotactic response. This activity is a not ligand specific additional anti-inflammatory mechanism of tolfenamic acid

Dosage & Administration

Acute migraine attacks:

  • Adult: 200 mg when 1st symptoms appear may be repeated once after 1-2 hr.
  • Renal impairment: Dose adjustments may be needed. Severe: Avoid.

Mild to moderate pain:

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